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Customise Freedesktop file with sbt-native-packager and JDKPackager plugin

I would like to customize the .desktop file created by the javapackager as part of the JDKPackager plugin of sbt-native-packager. It obviously uses a template:

[info]   Using default package resource [Menu shortcut descriptor]
         (add package/linux/Foo.desktop to the class path to customize)

In particular, I want to add the StartupWMClass entry that will be used by Gnome to unify all the windows opened by my application.


  • The javapackager refers to the target directory of the plugin, i.e. target/jdkpackager. This is created for example when the javafx-ant build-file is written. So we can piggyback here:

    // rewrite the task so that after the ant build is created,
    // we add package/linux/MyApp.desktop
    writeAntBuild in JDKPackager := {
      val res  = (writeAntBuild in JDKPackager).value
      val main = (mainClass     in JDKPackager).value
        .getOrElse(sys.error("No main class specified"))
      val tgt  = (target        in JDKPackager).value
      val n    = (name          in JDKPackager).value
      val wm   = main.replace('.', '-')
      val desktop = 
        s"""[Desktop Entry]
      IO.write(tgt / "package" / "linux" / s"$n.desktop", desktop)