I would like to customize the .desktop
file created by the javapackager as part of the JDKPackager plugin of sbt-native-packager. It obviously uses a template:
[info] Using default package resource [Menu shortcut descriptor]
(add package/linux/Foo.desktop to the class path to customize)
In particular, I want to add the StartupWMClass
entry that will be used by Gnome to unify all the windows opened by my application.
The javapackager refers to the target directory of the plugin, i.e. target/jdkpackager
. This is created for example when the javafx-ant build-file is written. So we can piggyback here:
// rewrite the task so that after the ant build is created,
// we add package/linux/MyApp.desktop
writeAntBuild in JDKPackager := {
val res = (writeAntBuild in JDKPackager).value
val main = (mainClass in JDKPackager).value
.getOrElse(sys.error("No main class specified"))
val tgt = (target in JDKPackager).value
val n = (name in JDKPackager).value
val wm = main.replace('.', '-')
val desktop =
s"""[Desktop Entry]
IO.write(tgt / "package" / "linux" / s"$n.desktop", desktop)