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Django 1.8 - Intermediary Many-to-Many-Through Relationship - What is the consequence of where 'ManytoManyField' is used?

An example Many-to-Many through relationship in Django:

class First(models.Model):
    seconds = models.ManyToManyField(Second, through='Middle')

class Middle(models.Model):
    first = models.ForeignKey(First)
    second = models.ForeignKey(Second)

class Second(models.Model):

Following the documentation on intermediary models, only one model of the pair to be related contains the ManytoManyField, model First in the example above. Is this correct?

If so, which model should contain the ManytoManyField field? Are there any differences in using the relationship from either end depending on where the ManytoManyField is?


EDIT (I should have been clearer):

I'm interested in an Intermediary table because I will have additional data to store on the relationship.

When I say usage, I don't mean defining the models, I mean using the relationship (otherwise I'd let Django do it's thing).

If I want all Seconds related to a First, would it be exactly the same as getting all Firsts related to a Second, or would the ManytoManyField make one direction easier to do than the other by introducing any extra functionality?


  • There shouldn't be a difference from an operational perspective, so the only difference would be in the definition of the model and things that affect it (for instance, Manager classes).

    You also don't always need to define a "through" class. Django does that automatically for you, and all that class really does is maintain a third table to track the respective IDs for each related record in the two other tables. You have to decide whether you want to add anything to that third table that is important.

    For instance, say you are designing a web app for a conference. They might want to store information about the attendees (both individuals and companies), as well as the speakers and sponsors (also individuals and companies). Part of your models for companies might look like this:

    class Company(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
        sponsored_segment = models.ForeignKey(ConferenceSegment, null=True)
    class ConferenceSegment(models.Model):
        title = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    But that gets cumbersome quickly, and you'll have lots of attending companies that have nothing to do with sponsoring. Also, you might want to track their rank/package on the website (after all, bigger sponsors get bigger placement):

    class Company(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    class ConferenceSegment(models.Model):
        title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
        sponsors = models.ManyToManyField(Company, through=u'Sponsor', related_name=u'sponsored_segments')
    class Sponsor(models.Model):
        company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
        segment = models.ForeignKey(ConferenceSegment)
        rank = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    Notice also the "related_name" attribute in the ManyToManyField. This means that we can access the ConferenceSegment object via a Company instance by using that name:

    c = Company.objects.get(...)
    segments = c.sponsored_segments.all()

    Hope this helps.