I'm trying to convert HTML file into RTF file using unoconv
in php.
From php I'm calling :
file_put_contents("/tmp/unoconv55b2862fea753.html", $content);
$command = "unoconv -f rtf -o /tmp/unoconv55b2862fea753.rtf /tmp/unoconv55b2862fea753.html";
exec($command, $output);
$converted = file_get_contents("/tmp/unoconv55b2862fea753.rtf");
the problem is, that file_put content
will save .html, but unoconv for some reason doesn't save converted file into /tmp directory.
When I run that $command directly on server in console, converted file was created.
Do you have any idea where could be problem?
When configuring unoconv on ubuntu server to be run under apache (www-data) user
This solution is based on:
Step-by-step guide
Follow these steps:
1. Create new file which will contain sudoers entry for user www-data:
sudo vi /etc/sudoers.d/www-data
2. Add following content to newly created file and save:
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/unoconv
3. In PHP exec() use "sudo unoconv"