Example code (I know what it can be rewritten to avoid cascade, but I write it as example. This code is't real problem, what I can resolve in another way, it's just illustration):
.b-list {
&__item {
&__link {
height: 4px;
@at-root .b-list__item.-active & {
height: 12px;
It is compiled to:
.b-list__link {
height: 4px;
.b-list__item.-active .b-list__link {
height: 12px;
I would like to change a selector @at-root .b-list__item.-active &
to something like @at-root &__item.-active & {…}
to avoid repeating the parent classname, but it doesn't work at Sass:
This code doesn't work:
.b-list {
&__item {
&__link {
height: 4px;
@at-root &__item.-active & {
height: 12px;
So, there is a way to do what I want?
There are ways of acheiving the code you are looking for without an @at-root
style function. However, as that was the original question the following should do the trick.
You can apply &
to a variable and escape it as part of the class name later on through the nesting, as follows:
.b-list {
$rootParent: &;
&__link {
height: 4px;
#{$rootParent}__item.-active & {
height: 12px;
Seems absolutely crazy but it works!
If you were looking to recreate the above in a more standardised way, I would definitely recommend the following:
.b-list {
&__link {
height: 4px;
&__item.-active &__link {
height: 12px;
It's also worth having a read through http://sass-guidelin.es/#selector-nesting, notably the section on BEM naming with the &
current selector reference which states:
While it might be anecdotal, generating new selectors from the current selector reference (&) makes those selectors unsearchable in the codebase since they do not exist per se.