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Reading Excel file with multiple sheets

I have an Excel file which contains 4 sheets.

Each sheet has the same format but the data inside is different. For example:

              sub1 sub2 sub3

    person1    2    3     4
    person2    9    0     1
    person3    8    4     2


              sub1 sub2 sub3

    person1    5    7     8
    person2    1    3     7
    person3    4    1     3

Now, I know how to read the data for 1 sheet:

[data, titles] = xlsread(FileName, 'sheet1');

But when I don't know how many sheets I have in my document, how can I store all data from all sheets?


  • You can use xlsfinfo to get a list of the sheets and then loop over that list:

    [status,sheets] = xlsfinfo(FileName)
    for s = 1:numel(sheets)