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PowerPoint VBA select slide

My goal is to creat ppt via VBA. I have already the template in my desktop that i need to use. This part of the code is ok.

However I did not find how to select slides in the ppt. I try many ways and i get all the times error.

If someone could help me.

Option Explicit

Sub CreatePowerPoint()

Dim mySlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim myShapeRange As PowerPoint.Shape

Dim oPA As PowerPoint.Application
Dim oPP As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim oPS As PowerPoint.SlideRange
Dim strTemplate As String
Dim rng As Range

strTemplate = "C:\Users\290866\Desktop\vba\PPT\Template.potx"

Set oPA = New PowerPoint.Application
oPA.Visible = msoTrue
oPA.Presentations.Open strTemplate, untitled:=msoTrue

If Not oPS Is Nothing Then Set oPS = Nothing
If Not oPP Is Nothing Then Set oPP = Nothing
If Not oPA Is Nothing Then Set oPA = Nothing

If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Next
End If

Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Credit Recommendation").Range("B2:N59")

ActivePresentation.Slides (1)
mySlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial (ppPasteBitmap)
  Set myShapeRange = mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count)
myShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
      myShapeRange.Left = 20
      myShapeRange.Top = 80
      myShapeRange.Height = 400
 myShapeRange.Width = 680
  Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

Thank you!!!


  • Here is your code modified to work. I explain the modifications below

    Option Explicit
    Sub CreatePowerPoint()
        Dim mySlide As PowerPoint.Slide
        Dim myShapeRange As PowerPoint.Shape
        Dim oPA As PowerPoint.Application
        Dim oPP As PowerPoint.Presentation
        Dim oPS As PowerPoint.SlideRange
        Dim strTemplate As String
        Dim rng As Range
        strTemplate = "C:\Users\290866\Desktop\vba\PPT\Template.potx"
        Set oPA = New PowerPoint.Application
        oPA.Visible = msoTrue
        'changed this line to assign the new presentation to your variable
        Set oPP = oPA.Presentations.Open(strTemplate, untitled:=msoTrue)
        'If Not oPS Is Nothing Then Set oPS = Nothing
        'If Not oPP Is Nothing Then Set oPP = Nothing
        'If Not oPA Is Nothing Then Set oPA = Nothing
        If Err <> 0 Then
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Resume Next
        End If
        Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Range("B2:N59")
        Set mySlide = oPP.Slides(1)
        mySlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial (ppPasteBitmap)
        Set myShapeRange = mySlide.Shapes(mySlide.Shapes.Count)
            myShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
            myShapeRange.Left = 20
            myShapeRange.Top = 80
            myShapeRange.Height = 400
            myShapeRange.Width = 680
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End Sub

    You were declaring variables and never setting them equal to anything. I still did not see where oPS was ever used.

    You received the ActiveX error because PowerPoint did not have an active presentation. It is always safer to work with your own objects rather than ActiveAnything within Office. So I set oPP equal to your new presentation and then used oPP rather than ActivePresentation

    Also you never need to set things equal to nothing unless you're being picky about the order it happens. Everything declared in the Sub is set to nothing at the end of the sub.

    Hope this helps!

    Edit: Search and Replace

    This is where I got the code, but I modified it to work as a callable Sub because I was calling it from different places many times:

    'Find and Replace function
    Sub FindAndReplace(sFind As String, sReplace As String, ByRef ppPres As PowerPoint.Presentation)
        Dim osld As PowerPoint.Slide
        Dim oshp As PowerPoint.Shape
        Dim otemp As PowerPoint.TextRange
        Dim otext As PowerPoint.TextRange
        Dim Inewstart As Integer
        For Each osld In ppPres.Slides
            For Each oshp In osld.Shapes
                If oshp.HasTextFrame Then
                    If oshp.TextFrame.HasText Then
                        Set otext = oshp.TextFrame.TextRange
                        Set otemp = otext.Replace(sFind, sReplace, , msoFalse, msoFalse)
                        Do While Not otemp Is Nothing
                            Inewstart = otemp.Start + otemp.Length
                            Set otemp = otext.Replace(sFind, sReplace, Inewstart, msoFalse, msoFalse)
                    End If
                End If
            Next oshp
        Next osld
    End Sub

    You'll have to pass it the 2 strings and the Presentation object. It'll look like this in your Sub

    FindAndReplace("FindMe","ReplaceWithThis", oPP)