OK, so I think I'm going mad here! Here's where I am.
SQL Server 2008: I've set up Database Mail, and I've sent myself a test email. Simple, works fine.
I've created an operator, called 'Tom'. I've given it an email address (but nothing else).
However, when I run this command:
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_notify_operator @name=N'Tom',@subject=N'Test Database Message',@body=N'Testy Test Test'
...I get this:
Msg 14262, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_verify_operator_identifiers, Line 51 The specified @operator_name ('Tom') does not exist.
Is that error message masking something else which I should be looking at? There's definately an operator shown in SSMS, but if there's a sproc which lists operators I'll happily run that to see if it's actually there.
I'm just kinda stuck as to where to go next. SQL Server seems convinced I don't exist!
Ignore this! There's a possibility that I was trying to execute sp_notify_operator whilst connected to the wrong server...the one without any operators....