Boost Fusion has been designed in such a way that most of the transformations are "lazy", in the sense that they all generate "views" but not actual (Fusion) containers ( So for example to actually reverse a vector one needs to use the conversion function as_vector
boost::fusion::vector<int, double, std::string> vec;
auto view_rev = boost::fusion::reverse(vec); // view object
auto vec_rev = boost::fusion::as_vector(view_rev);
Now, I want to do this with adapted std::tuple
std::tuple<int, double, std::string> tup;
auto view_rev = boost::fusion::reverse(tup);
auto tup_rev = boost::fusion::???(view_rev); // type should be of type std::tuple<std::string, double, int>
How do I convert the resulting view back to a tuple?
I expected this ???
function to be called as_std_tuple
(in analogy to boost::fusion::as_vector
, but it doesn't exists (yet?).
There a few solutions for reversing tuples, in this case I want just to use what is already in Boost Fusion.
I am not aware of any built-in method to convert a Boost Fusion Sequence into a std::tuple
, but using the indices trick it can be implemented rather easily:
template <std::size_t... Is>
struct indices {};
template <std::size_t N, std::size_t... Is>
struct build_indices
: build_indices<N-1, N-1, Is...> {};
template <std::size_t... Is>
struct build_indices<0, Is...> : indices<Is...> {};
template<typename Sequence, std::size_t ...Is>
auto as_std_tuple_impl(const Sequence& s, indices<Is...>&&) -> decltype(std::tie(boost::fusion::at_c<Is>(s)...))
return std::tie(boost::fusion::at_c<Is>(s)...);
template <typename Sequence, typename Indices = build_indices<boost::fusion::result_of::size<Sequence>::value>>
auto as_std_tuple(const Sequence& s) -> decltype(as_std_tuple_impl(s, Indices()))
return as_std_tuple_impl(s, Indices());
Here is a full example that reverses an adapted std::tuple
using boost::fusion::reverse
and converts it back into a std::tuple
and prints both tuples:
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/transformation/reverse.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/reverse.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/size.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/size.hpp>
#include <iostream>
template <std::size_t... Is>
struct indices {};
template <std::size_t N, std::size_t... Is>
struct build_indices
: build_indices<N-1, N-1, Is...> {};
template <std::size_t... Is>
struct build_indices<0, Is...> : indices<Is...> {};
template<typename Sequence, std::size_t ...Is>
auto as_std_tuple_impl(const Sequence& s, indices<Is...>&&) -> decltype(std::tie(boost::fusion::at_c<Is>(s)...))
return std::tie(boost::fusion::at_c<Is>(s)...);
template <typename Sequence, typename Indices = build_indices<boost::fusion::result_of::size<Sequence>::value>>
auto as_std_tuple(const Sequence& s) -> decltype(as_std_tuple_impl(s, Indices()))
return as_std_tuple_impl(s, Indices());
template<class Tuple, std::size_t N>
struct TuplePrinter
static void print(const Tuple& t)
TuplePrinter<Tuple, N-1>::print(t);
std::cout << ", " << std::get<N-1>(t);
template<class Tuple>
struct TuplePrinter<Tuple, 1>
static void print(const Tuple& t)
std::cout << std::get<0>(t);
template<class... Args>
void print(const std::tuple<Args...>& t)
std::cout << "(";
TuplePrinter<decltype(t), sizeof...(Args)>::print(t);
std::cout << ")\n";
int main()
std::tuple<int, double, std::string> tup(1,2.5,"hello");
auto view_rev = boost::fusion::reverse(tup);
auto reversed_tup = as_std_tuple(view_rev);
return 0;
(1, 2.5, hello)
(hello, 2.5, 1)