in TileMap we can use layers and one of them is the Object layer. but how is to use them to gave me his position?
with this code I can see the Position of the object, but it does not have 'a member named position'
let group:TMXObjectGroup = tileMap.groupNamed("Blocks")
let theObjects: [AnyObject] = group.objectsNamed("Wall")
for i in theObjects {
So i can not save the Position in an Var or Let, how we can?
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but if I understood you correctly, this will give you what you want:
extension JSTileMap {
func getObjectPositionOnLayer(layerName: String, objectName: String) -> CGPoint {
var position = CGPoint()
if let objectLayer = groupNamed(layerName) {
if let object: NSDictionary = objectLayer.objectNamed(objectName) {
position = CGPoint(
x: object.valueForKey("x") as! CGFloat,
y: object.valueForKey("y") as! CGFloat
return position
Example usage:
// Get player start position from the object named "Start", in
// the object layer "Meta Layer".
let startPoint = map.getObjectPositionOnLayer("Meta Layer", objectName: "Start")
player.position = startPoint