I followed example in this link to use SingletonBeanFactoryLocator for using same bean in both WARs, but it seems two beans created NOT single.
I am getting below by hitting http://localhost:8080/War1/ and http://localhost:8080/War2/
Hello from SampleWeb1 using service instance com.interface21.sample.multiplecontexts.service.SampleServiceImpl@5cfbe4c4
Hello from SampleWeb2 using service instance com.interface21.sample.multiplecontexts.service.SampleServiceImpl@efa0fed
Can you please help me what I have done wrong.?
I have found the answer, since war has individual copy of jars, same bean didnt load. Once I have skinned the wars to use same copy of spring jars, i found it working. Spring MVC: Sharing context within ear