I was wondering if there was a way to make a *.dll that mounts archives in Windows without the need for installing drivers. I've tried mounting *.isos (and was successful), but I needed to install drivers, which was not something my intended audience wants to do (or can do). The other relevant alternatives were for Linux (fuse-zip) or dead projects (zipios++).
Something along the lines of this...http://mountziplibrary.codeplex.com/
Oh, and it'd be great if the solution was GPL v3'd or at least open source.
What you're describing is called an Installable File System (IFS). It theory you don't need a driver: implement a SMB server in application space, and let the existing kernel network client talk to that. It's just TCP/IP at that level.
The proper solution is indeed an IFS driver. Fundamentally, drives are objects in the kernel namespace. As such, the code for them should be part of the kernel, and an application never is.