In the following code I want to capture anything that begins with test and followed by the text enclosed by double quotes. E.g.
The code works fine.
private void testRegex()
string st = "this test\"abc\"= or test\"rst\"\"uvw\" or test(def)(abc) is a test.";
Regex oRegex = new Regex("test\".*?\"");
foreach (Match mt in oRegex.Matches(st))
Then, from the above captures, I want to capture the subexpressions that follow the word test (in above examples those subexpressions would be "abc" and "rst" including the ". I tried the following and it correctly gives me:
private void testRegex()
string st = "this test\"abc\"= or test\"rst\"\"uvw\" or test(def)(abc) is a test.";
Regex oRegex = new Regex("test(\".*?\")");
foreach (Match mt in oRegex.Matches(st))
Question: Now I want to capture the two subexpressions 1. "abc" and "rst" 2. Any character except " that follows the matches test"abc" and test"rst". So, I tried the following but as shown below the groups 1 and 2 for the match "rst""uvw" are wrong. I need group 1 of "rst""uvw" to be "rst" and group 2 to be empty since the character that follows "rst" is ":
Group 1: "abc"
Group 2: =
Group 1: "rst""
Group 2: u
private void testRegex()
string st = "this test\"abc\"= or test\"rst\"\"uvw\" or test(def)(abc) is a test.";
Regex oRegex = new Regex("test(\".*?\")([^\"])");
foreach (Match mt in oRegex.Matches(st))
You must be looking for
See demo
I made 2 changes:
(matching 0 or more characters other than a double quote) instead of lazy matching any characters with .*?
optional with ?