I have an iOS app that was created using storyboards with auto-layout. The View Controllers are in a navigation controller. Several steps down the navigation controller chain I have a button in VC1 that is connected to VC2 via a popover segue. When I tap the button, a popover view appears but is blank. I changed the background color of VC2 to see if the view was actually appearing. It was. No subviews were visible. I have created and recreated VC2. I have changed the sizes of the view, the subviews and the view controller. I have manually and automatically created restraints. I also created a test view controller outside of the navigation view controller. It behaved the same as the view controllers in the navigation controller.
Just to check if I was completely incompetent, I created a new project with a storyboard that had one VC. I placed a button in this VC with a popover segue to a second VC. It worked as desired. When the button was pressed a popover would appear and all subviews of the second VC would be visible. I tried placing the first VC in a navigation controller with no change. It continued to show the popover as it should. I have compared the two projects and I can't find what the problem is.
My question is this: Does anyone out there know of some hidden setting that would cause this behavior? or Any suggestions on what I'm missing here?
Well, after a whole lot of time (and even rewriting my project from scratch) I finally found the solution. Apparently, using size classes messes with popovers. To solve this solution, I turned size classes off completely. My app is iPad only so that worked for me. According to this thread: iOS8 Size-Classes and Popover Views you can also use the Any/Any size class. I was using Regular/Regular size class. I hope this helps someone.