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Please explain Action in Struts 2.0 XML file

<action name="userLogin" class="">
    <result name="error">/user-login.jsp</result>
    <result name="redirect" type="redirect">${retUrl}</result>
    <result name="customerRedirect" type="redirect">${customerRedirect}</result>
    <result name="supplierRedirect" type="redirect">${supplierRedirect}</result>
    <result name="diamondViewRedirect" type="redirect">${diamondViewRedirect}</result>          
    <result name="supplierPopupRedirect" type="redirect">${supplierPopup}</result>
    <result name="customerPopupRedirect" type="redirect">${customerPopup}</result>  

Above I show one of many things written in my Struts XML file. Here nothing is define in the method attributes so I am confused about which method of UserLoginAction class is called when this action is called.


  • If method name is not specified in the action configuration, Struts will look for a method named execute by default.

    Struts 2.0 Action Configuration Doc