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How to propagate value from one custom element to another in Polymer 1.0?

I have two custom elements. student-details.html and student-service.html

student-details.html looks like this

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="student-service.html">
<dom-module id="student-details">
	<h1>Student Details</h1>
<h1>{{studentId}}<h1> //This value is printed properly
	<student-service   user-data={{studentId}} service-name="StudentDetails"  response-data={{responseData}} ></student-service>

    	<img width="70" height="70" src="{{responseData.image}}" />



    	<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{responseData.addresses}}">

	studentId: String,
	notify: true



the student-service takes input as studentId and returns a response in responseData.

If I access the value studentId in the student-details.html itself using {{studentId}} it displays, but I am not able to send the same value to user-data input in student-service element.

Note: If I hardcode the studentId, it works well. I think I am not following the proper way of passing value. Kindly suggest


  • The code does not look wrong. It could well be that the student-service is being called before the studentId is set.

    Try to see the flow of your code and make sure, the service is only called after the studentId is set.