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LaTeX: vertical alignement in a table containing a listing

In LaTeX, I'm using the listings package to display some code snippet inside a table. But it seems that when using this package, the vertical alignement of the cells is changing.

Here is some code :


\hline Méthode & Exemple d'utilisation\\
\hline isLetter()&
QChar MyChar('x');
bool IsLetter = MyChar.isLetter();
// IsLetter vaut vrai
// bla bla bla

and here is what I get (notice the centered vertical alignement of the first column) :

If I avoid using the listings package inside the table, the vertical alignement is different (centered) :

\hline Méthode & Exemple d'utilisation\\
\hline isLetter()&
QChar MyChar('x');
bool IsLetter = MyChar.isLetter();
// IsLetter vaut vrai
// bla bla bla

What I would like is to put some code inside the table but keep the vertical alignement to top for the cells.


  • Tell latex to align it at the top of the baseline of its textline by the option boxpos.

    QChar MyChar('x');
    bool IsLetter = MyChar.isLetter();
    // IsLetter vaut vrai
    // bla bla bla

    The problem also happens with other boxes


    If you leave out the position parameter t, it will align both boxes centered relative to each other.