I want to create a password entry.
One easy solution is:
password = Entry(root, font="Verdana 22")
but the problem is that to avoid typos, I want to show the item clicked to be visible only for a few seconds, while everything else is hidden. After a few seconds everything is hidden.
It's not easy to do exactly what you want with Tkinter, but here's something close: when you press a key it displays the whole contents of the Entry, but after one second the text is hidden again.
I developed this on Python 2; to use it on Python 3 change Tkinter
to tkinter
import Tkinter as tk
class PasswordTest(object):
''' Password Entry Demo '''
def __init__(self):
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Password Entry Demo")
self.entry = e = tk.Entry(root)
e.bind("<Key>", self.entry_cb)
b = tk.Button(root, text="show", command=self.button_cb)
def entry_cb(self, event):
#print(`event.char`, event.keycode, event.keysym )
#Hide text after 1000 milliseconds
self.entry.after(1000, lambda: self.entry.config(show='*'))
def button_cb(self):
print('Contents:', repr(self.entry.get()))
It would be tricky to only display the last char entered. You'd have to modify the displayed string manually while maintaining the real password string in a separate variable and that's a bit fiddly because the user can move the insertion point cursor at any time.
On a final note, I really don't recommend doing anything like this. Keep passwords hidden at all times! If you want to reduce the chance of typos in newly-chosen passwords, the usual practice is to make the user enter the password twice.