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Generated pictures with Universal Images Loader do not scale

I am using android-svg and UniversalImageLoader for displaying svg pictures in a custom chess component. Though the chess component is a subclass of ImageView, I can't just use


as the picture does not fill the ImageView, but only a cell, and the cell dimension is computed at runtime.

I've tried to use the method loadImage

            new ImageSize(sizePx, sizePx), loadedCompleteListener);

But it is as if I did not passed the ImageSize object : all images kept their original sizes.

Here is the configuration process :

DisplayImageOptions displayImageOptions = new     DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new     ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(context)
            .memoryCacheSize(175 * 1024)
            .diskCacheSize(175 * 1024)
            .imageDecoder(new SvgDecoder())

Here the SvgDecoder :

 * Utility class in order to configure Universal Image Loader library.
 * Code from glide project sample
public class SvgDecoder implements ImageDecoder {
    public Bitmap decode(ImageDecodingInfo imageDecodingInfo) throws     IOException {
        InputStream is = imageDecodingInfo.getDownloader().getStream(
                imageDecodingInfo.getImageUri(),   imageDecodingInfo.getExtraForDownloader());

        SVG svg;
        try {
            svg = SVG.getFromInputStream(is);
        } catch (SVGParseException e) {
            return null;

        Picture picture = svg.renderToPicture();
        PictureDrawable pictureDrawable = new PictureDrawable(picture);
        // I think the problem is in this call parameters (getWidth/getHeight)
        // but what must I write instead ?
        Bitmap image = Bitmap.createBitmap(pictureDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(),
                pictureDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas imageCanvas = new Canvas(image);


        return image;

All svg files I am using define a viewbox.

I think the problem comes from the SvgDecoder I copied-paste from the Glide library sample, but I don't know what should I write instead (where I put a comment).


  • My guess was quite good when I said that it is the responsibility of SvgDecoder class to set the image size. In fact I must

    • extends the BaseImageDecoder class from UIL
    • add the following line just after having built the bitmap (it will compute the final size for me)

      decodedBitmap = considerExactScaleAndOrientatiton(decodedBitmap, decodingInfo, 0, false);