I have Valence Category for word stimuli in my psychology experiment.
1 = Negative, 2 = Neutral, 3 = Positive
I need to sort the thousands of stimuli with a pseudo-randomised condition.
Val_Category cannot have more than 2 of the same valence stimuli in a row i.e. no more than 2x negative stimuli in a row.
for example - 2, 2, 2 = not acceptable
2, 2, 1 = ok
I can't sequence the data i.e. decide the whole experiment will be 1,3,2,3,1,3,2,3,2,2,1 because I'm not allowed to have a pattern.
I tried various packages like dylpr, sample, order, sort and nothing so far solves the problem.
I think there's a thousand ways to do this, none of which are probably very pretty. I wrote a small function that takes care of the ordering. It's a bit hacky, but it appeared to work for what I tried.
To explain what I did, the function works as follows:
# some vector of valences
val <- rep(1:3,each=50)
pseudoRandomize <- function(x, n){
# take an initial sample
out <- sample(val)
# check if the sample is "bad" (containing sequences longer than n)
bad.seq <- any(rle(out)$lengths > n)
# length of the whole sample
l0 <- length(out)
# get lengths of all subsequences
l1 <- rle(out)$lengths
# find the bad ones
ind <- l1 > n
# take the last value of each bad sequence, and...
for(i in cumsum(l1)[ind]){
# take it out of the original sample
tmp <- out[-i]
# pick new position at random
pos <- sample(2:(l0-2),1)
# put the value back into the sample at the new position
out <- c(tmp[1:(pos-1)],out[i],tmp[pos:(l0-1)])
# check if bad sequences (still) exist
# if TRUE, then 'while' continues; if FALSE, then it doesn't
bad.seq <- any(rle(out)$lengths > n)
# return the reordered sequence
The function may be used on a vector with or without names. If the vector was named, then these names will still be present on the pseudo-randomized vector.
# simple unnamed vector
val <- rep(1:3,each=5)
pseudoRandomize(val, 2)
# gives:
# [1] 1 3 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2
# when names assigned to the vector
names(val) <- 1:length(val)
pseudoRandomize(val, 2)
# gives (first row shows the names):
# 1 13 9 7 3 11 15 8 10 5 12 14 6 4 2
# 1 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 1
This property can be used for randomizing a whole data frame. To achieve that, the "valence" vector is taken out of the data frame, and names are assigned to it either by row index (1:nrow(dat)
) or by row names (rownames(dat)
# reorder a data.frame using a named vector
dat <- data.frame(val=rep(1:3,each=5), stim=rep(letters[1:5],3))
val <- dat$val
names(val) <- 1:nrow(dat)
new.val <- pseudoRandomize(val, 2)
new.dat <- dat[as.integer(names(new.val)),]
# gives:
# val stim
# 5 1 e
# 2 1 b
# 9 2 d
# 6 2 a
# 3 1 c
# 15 3 e
# ...