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"Login failed for user" trying to connect to SQL Server 2012

I'm trying to get acces to a remote SQL Server, using SDAC.

(in fact I have to get access to the remote DB from android application)

What I've done to set up is here

The configuration string of the TMSConnection is:

Password=mysaPwd;Data Source=RemoteIp;Initial Catalog=myDB;User ID=sa

What I get is : Login failed for user 'sa'

I tried to change the remote IP with local ip, starting the application locally on the server, but the error I get is the same.

I know that it's not a good way for safe reasons, but I want understand where the problem is

this is the authentication mode:

Auth mode

then, the connection configuration

connection configuration


  • Jerry Dodge was right! I tried to connect to a different server instance than I intended There was an old instance of SQL server already installed. Unfortunately the error message was not clear as something like "User name or password is incorrect" but "Login failed for user", that lead me down the wrong path. Thank you all!