I want to bulk insert records into a table, which does not have a Model. I did follow the link How to implement bulk insert in Rails 3 .. Everything was fine except the 'import' command. Because I do not have a Model.
I can not create an empty Model for that table. Okay, I tell you, why I cant create a table for that. I am using IOS apns server for Push Notification feature. When I configured that, it created lot of tables into my database without Models. In one of these tables I want to bulk insert records in a single query. Initially I did it with loop. It affected the performance. So, I wanted to have optimization. Whatever the solution is, Please suggest me anything. The following is my method.
# Push Notification to all users of the application.
def ios_push_notification(admin_notif)
bulk_data = []
n = Rpush::Apns::Notification.new
n.app = Rpush::Apns::App.find_by_name("ios_app")
ios_user_reg_ids = UserRegId.where(:device_os=>"ios").pluck(:user_gcm_reg_id)
ios_user_reg_ids.each do |device_token|
n.device_token = device_token
n.alert = admin_notif.try(:content)
n.data = { foo: :bar }
bulk_data << n
p bulk_data
Rpush::Apns::Notification.import bulk_data # I get error here, since this model does'nt exist.
Sorry for my poor English. Thanks in advance.
class Rpush::Apns::Notification
def self.import(bulk_data)
sql = ""
until bulk_data.empty?
row = bulk_data.pop
sql.push("(#{row.device_token}, #{row.alert}, #{row.data})")
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("INSERT INTO table (device_token, alert, data) VALUES #{sql.join(',')}")
Your table scheme is unknown so please adjust columns before use.