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How do you ignore an element with Apache Digester?

How do I set a digester rule to ignore an element with a certain attribute value? For example, given the below XML and digester-rules, how do I tell it to ignore the Parameter which has a Name equal to "Alex"?


    <parameter> <!--I want to ignore this whole parameter element.-->

Current XML Rules:

<pattern value="input-parameters">
    <object-create-rule classname="java.util.HashSet"/>
    <set-next-rule methodname="addParameters"/>

    <pattern value="parameter">
        <object-create-rule classname=""/>
        <set-next-rule methodname="add"/>
        <bean-property-setter-rule pattern="name" propertyname="name" />
        <bean-property-setter-rule pattern="description" propertyname="description" />


  • I don't think Digester supports this natively, but I can suggest a couple of options that may help to get you there.

    Simplest is to just use a custom HashSet implementation which rejects the names you don't like:

    public class MyHashSet extends HashSet<Parameter> {
      public boolean add(Parameter param) {
        if (param != null && "Alex".equals(param.getName())) {
          return false;
        return super.add(param);

    And then use this instead of the standard HashSet in your rules:

    <pattern value="input-parameters">
        <object-create-rule classname=""/>
        <set-next-rule methodname="addParameters"/>

    The main drawback I can see from this approach is that you are left with your custom hash set implementation in your resulting object, so if you later try to add a parameter with name = "Alex" directly from code it will again be rejected; this may or may not be a problem.

    A slightly more complex approach would be to switch out the standard SetNextRule with a custom implementation which checked the name before adding the parameter. The standard SetNextRule fires on the event end, so the following rule would do the trick:

    public class SetNextParamRule extends SetNextRule {
      public SetNextParamRule() {
      public void end(String namespace, String name) throws Exception {
        Parameter param = (Parameter)getChild();
        if (!"Alex".equals(param.getName())) {
          super.end(namespace, name);

    One problem with this approach is that I can't see a way to add custom rules using the XML configuration (I rarely use XML config so could be wrong here), so you would need to use code configuration instead:

    final Rule setNextParamRule = new SetNextParamRule();
    RulesModule rules = new AbstractRulesModule() {
      public void configure() {
    DigesterLoader loader = DigesterLoader.newLoader(rules);
    Digester digester = loader.newDigester();

    One advantage of this however is that you could potentially supply the list of names to ignore from a separate source:

    final Set<String> skipNames = ImmutableSet.of("Alex", "Adam");
    final Rule setNextParamRule = new SetNextRule("add") {
      public void end(String namespace, String name) throws Exception {
        Parameter param = (Parameter)getChild();
        if (!skipNames.contains(param.getName())) {
          super.end(namespace, name);
    // rest as above

    Hope some of this helps.