Is there a way to open Bing maps that are inbuilt to Windows phone on click of a button. If you have used the Foresquare app, it loads bing maps and show the destination latitude and longitude when you click the directions button. I want to do the exact same thing. Please help me with any resource you have. Until now I tried the code in this link
Problem is when I click the button it says do you want to search an app in the appstore. Please help.
You have to use BingMapsDirectionsTask like this (just replace latitude and longitude with yours):
BingMapsDirectionsTask bingMapsDirectionsTask = new BingMapsDirectionsTask();
GeoCoordinate spaceNeedleLocation = new GeoCoordinate(47.6204,-122.3493);
LabeledMapLocation spaceNeedleLML = new LabeledMapLocation("Space Needle", spaceNeedleLocation);
bingMapsDirectionsTask.End = spaceNeedleLML;
You can reed more here about Bind Maps directions task.