I am working on retrieving some particular bio details of a person from a Wikipedia page of that person through Wikipedia's web API.
I need to retrieve the bio information box of a person.
I found how to retrieve the content box , introduction paragraph and all. The below URL is used to retrieve the first introduction para of the wiki web page.
But I am stuck with getting the above bio information box through wiki web API, so that I could extract the specific details I want.
Is it possible to get a single item of information like only the full name or only the date of birth through a single query (instead of getting the whole information and extracting the details from it)?
Simple: you must not extract biographical data from Wikipedia directly, but from its structured data counterpart, Wikidata. See https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Data_access for how.
In your example: date of birth is P569; the query is https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=wbgetclaims&entity=Q42&property=P569
"claims": {
"P569": [
"id": "q42$D8404CDA-25E4-4334-AF13-A3290BCD9C0F",
"mainsnak": {
"snaktype": "value",
"property": "P569",
"datatype": "time",
"datavalue": {
"value": {
"time": "+1952-03-11T00:00:00Z",
"timezone": 0,
"before": 0,
"after": 0,
"precision": 11,
"calendarmodel": "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1985727"
"type": "time"