I have made an animated my web with Google web designer but Adblock program detects and blocks ads and do not know if there's any way to fix this header.
The code here because it is huge, but if necessary I upload somewhere
Here: http://textuploader.com/a5ii0
My fear is that my website visitors can not see my animated web header.
HTML that contains the header
<div id="header">
<Iframe src="<?php $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']?>/head/1.html" width="900px" height="201px" frameborder="0" wmode="transparent"> </iframe>
Why is the code so poorly written/formatted/bloated.... Having an animated header/banner is already poor web convention. The reason Adblock blocks your header is because its robust enough to block annoying ads not to mention animated ones. Frankly I don't even want to see your animated web header.
Edit: I can barely understand your english but users should always have the power to choose whether they want your ad to be blocked or not. You should try showing an alternative to the banner. Alternate Content for AdBlock
However since you're using Google Web Designer, I can already tell you don't understand HTML/CSS/JavaScript as well as a novice web designer. There won't be an easy way for you to do this if you don't understand your code. Before using a drag and drop builder for your websites, you should learn to code raw HTML and CSS because avoiding AdBlock can already be difficult since their tool is so dynamic.