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Passivation capable beans must satisfy passivation capable dependencies

I'm having a little issue with OmniFaces's Viewscoped. Even with my Managedbean implementing Serializable, I'm receiving the error below:

Passivation capable beans must satisfy passivation capable dependencies.

With some research, I found some answers about the this problem but with no success. I resolved my problem serializing my other class that I'm injecting with CDI.

Is it really necessary my other classes implementing Serializable to Inject in my Managedbean?

Environment - WebSphere Application Server - Apache MyFaces 2.0.2 - OmniFaces 1.7 - PrimeFaces 5.0

My Class:

public class AgrupamentoAcoRN{

public TbSiglaAcoAgrupadaDAO dao;

public void insereDados(TbSiglaAcoAgrupada tbSiglaAcoAgrupada) throws BancoDeDadosException{

My Bean:

public class AgrupamentoAcoMB implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private AgrupamentoAcoRN rn;


  • All fields of a Serializable java class should be serializable, hence every field in your viewScoped bean should be serializable also.

    Your problem have nothing to do with Omnifaces