I am following this tutorial to make monkeytalk agent build so that i can record the event and write some test cases. I have also downloaded git project with is running but is not showing in monkey talk IDE and no events are recording.
I have also made my own project and follow all the steps from 1 to 9. I am testing it on real device so I skipped 10th step
. The issue I am facing is that when I sync the project the gradle is building properly but when I am running the project it give me following error.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJava'. No such property: bootClasspath for class: com.android.build.gradle.AppPlugin
If anyone have any idea, your help is appreciated. Thanks!!!
After try lots of things i at last successfully integrated MonkeyTalk agent in my APK using Android Studio, here are some details steps that would help a lot.
Tip :
used gradle build version 1.0.0, although 1.2.3 is available but there are some issues with that version of gradle and the monkeytalk client agent apk.
if you are using google play services use 7.0.0 version
Steps : For steps you can refer to this document
but here are few problems that I face when following this post, here are the following :
make libs folder in your app folder and put monkeytalk-agent-2.0.10.jar there, in your app build.gradle use this
dependencies {
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
no need of using
monkeytalkCompile fileTree(dir: 'monkey-libs', include: ['*.jar'])
this give me error when i am running the project
no need of writing
monkeytalk.initWith(buildTypes.debug) monkeytalk { applicationIdSuffix ".monkey" }
just use this :
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
i think this will help, if anyone is facing problem please let me know. My build is successfully running on monkeytalk IDE