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How do I get Intellisense inside Behavior classes using MSpec?

I´m using MSpec-Framework to implement BDD to our new project. I´m new to the concept of BDD and therefore MSpec as well and have problems to adress the object of interest (_obj2 in the example), at least Visual Studio intellisense doesn't propose it in Behavior-Class, especially inside the should_do_some_fancy_magic-context.

namespace exampleSpace{
  public partial class ExampleClass{
    private ObjectOfAnotherClass _obj2

    private void Test(ObjectOfAnotherClass _co)

namespace exampleSpace.Test{
  class ExampleClassBehavior{

    Establish context =()=>{...};

    It should_do_some_fancy_magic() =()=>
      ShouldBeEqual(ExampleValue, _ex.Test(_ex._obj2);

    private static ExampleClass _ex;

Any ideas how to get intellisense working inside the Behavior-Class ?


  • You don't need to set [Behaviors] for the context. Behaviors are used to reuse the Its between contexts. That's a use-case that comes up very infrequently.

    This should work, despite being untested:

    namespace exampleSpace{
      public partial class ExampleClass {
         public void Test(ObjectOfAnotherClass _co)
          _co.Foobar = 42;
    namespace exampleSpace.Test {
      [Subject(typeof(ExampleClass))] // This is optional.
      class When_something_happens
        static ObjectOfAnotherClass Other;
        static ExampleClassOther SystemUnderTest ;
        Establish context  = () => {
          Other = new ObjectOfAnotherClass();
          SystemUnderTest = new ExampleClass();
        Because of = () => {
        It should_do_some_fancy_magic() =
          () => Other.Foobar.ShouldEqual(42);

    You can have a look at some MSpec samples here.