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iText, insert new blank line inside PdfPTable column

How do I insert a new blank line inside a PdfPTable column. \n and n number of spaces has not done the trick for me. This is the java code I am working with.

chtbc_report1_table.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel(
new Object [][] {
    {"H.B.G", "Some Value", "lbs/kg", "Adult M : 120lbs \n Adult F : 90lbs"},
    //Other rows
new String [] {
    "Investigation", "Result", "Unit", "Weight"

I want to put a new line between "Adult M : 120lbs **\n** Adult F : 90lbs"


This is the code I have used for creating a PdfPTable;

    PdfPTable pdfTable = new PdfPTable(chtbc_report1_table.getColumnCount());    
    for (int rows = 0; rows < chtbc_report1_table.getRowCount(); rows++) {
        for (int cols = 0; cols < chtbc_report1_table.getColumnCount(); cols++) {
            pdfTable.addCell(chtbc_report1_table.getModel().getValueAt(rows, cols).toString());

    float[] columnWidths_pdfTable = new float[]{30f, 25f, 40f, 50f};


Any suggestions would help.


  • Oh, that is quite simple indeed. Try the following as the same works for me :-

    Table Contents

    jTable1.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel(
            new Object [][] {
                {"Lorem Ipsum", "Next Line here \n, Another new line\n, Two new lines\n\nI will end here"},
                {"Lorem Ipsum", "Another cell to demonstrate \n\n\n\n4 New lines above and two below \n\n"}
            new String [] {
                "Text", "Long Text"

    Let me know, if that worked. And the PdfPtable should be the same.