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Reshape and mean calculation

I have climatic data which have been collected during a whole year along an altitude gradient. Shaped like that:

clim <- read.table(text="alti    year    month    week    day    meanTemp    maxTemp    minTemp
350     2011    aug.     31      213    10          14         6
350     2011    aug.     31      214    12          18         6
350     2011    aug.     31      215    10          11         9
550     2011    aug.     31      213    8           10         6
550     2011    aug.     31      214    10          12         8
550     2011    aug.     31      215    8           9          7
350     2011    sep.     31      244    9           10         8
350     2011    sep.     31      245    11          12         10
350     2011    sep.     31      246    10          11         9
550     2011    sep.     31      244    7.5         9          6
550     2011    sep.     31      245    8           10         6
550     2011    sep.     31      246    8.5         9          8", header=TRUE)

and I am trying to reshape this data in order to have only one row per altitude and to calculate the mean data for each month and for the whole year. I would be great if it could be shaped like that:

alti    mean_year(meanTemp)   mean_year(maxTemp)   mean_aug.(meanTemp)   mean_aug.(maxTemp)   mean_sep.(meanTemp)   [...]
350     10.333                12.667               10.667                14.3                 10                     ...
550     8.333                 9.833                8.667                 10.333               7.766                  ...

Any idea to perform this reshaping & calculation?


  • Here's another variation of data.table solution, but this requires the current devel version, v1.9.5:

    require(data.table) # v1.9.5+
    form = paste("alti", c("year", "month"), sep=" ~ ")
    val  = c("meanTemp", "maxTemp")
    ans  = lapply(form, function(x) dcast(clim, x, mean, value.var = val))
    Reduce(function(x, y) x[y, on="alti"], ans)
    #    alti meanTemp_mean_2011 maxTemp_mean_2011 meanTemp_mean_aug. meanTemp_mean_sep. maxTemp_mean_aug. maxTemp_mean_sep.
    # 1:  350          10.333333         12.666667          10.666667                 10          14.33333         11.000000
    # 2:  550           8.333333          9.833333           8.666667                  8          10.33333          9.333333