I have controller that needs to receive two id values. One id value identifies a vendor and the second identifies an event (eventId and VendorId).
My current state is as such.
.state('/vendordetail', {
url: '/vendordetail/:vendorId',
templateUrl: '/home/vendordetail',
controller: 'VendorDetailController',
resolve: {
vendorId: ['$stateParams', function ($stateParams) {
return $stateParams.vendorId;
vendorPreload: ['$stateParams', 'vendorDetailRepo', '$state', function ($stateParams, vendorDetailRepo, $state) {
if ($stateParams.vendorId != "")
return vendorDetailRepo.get({ id: $stateParams.vendorId }).$promise;
At the moment I am able to take the vendorId. But I would like to include an eventId in the state. Can anyone help me modify my state to take the second parameter (eventId) ?
Thank you.
First oft all I would advice you to put your parameters as url-parameters if you don't have good reasons against it.
Following this advice your state may look as follows:
state('/vendordetail', {
url: '/vendordetail?:vendorId:eventId',
templateUrl: '/home/vendordetail',
controller: 'VendorDetailController',
resolve: {
vendorId: ['$stateParams', function ($stateParams) {
return $stateParams.vendorId;
eventId: ['$stateParams', function ($stateParams) {
return $stateParams.eventId;
vendorPreload: ['$stateParams', 'vendorDetailRepo', '$state', function ($stateParams, vendorDetailRepo, $state) {
if ($stateParams.vendorId != "")
return vendorDetailRepo.get({ id: $stateParams.vendorId }).$promise;
By the way: you don't need to resolve the parameters. You can simply inject $stateParams into your controller.