I've been trying to encode GADTs in PureScript using rank-2 types, as described here for Haskell
My code looks like:
data Z
data S n
data List a n
= Nil (Z -> n)
| Cons forall m. a (List a m) (S m -> n)
fw :: forall f a. (Functor f) => (forall b . (a -> b) -> f b) -> f a
fw f = f id
bw :: forall f a. (Functor f) => f a -> (forall b . (a -> b) -> f b)
bw x f = map f x
nil :: forall a. List a Z
nil = fw Nil
cons :: forall a n. a -> List a (S n)
cons a as = fw (Cons a as)
instance listFunctor :: Functor (List a) where
map f (Nil k) = Nil (f <<< k)
map f (Cons x xs k) = Cons x xs (f <<< k)
The compiler complains Wrong number of arguments to constructor Main.Cons
, referring to the LHS pattern match in the Functor instance.
What is going wrong here?
The syntax used for existential types in Haskell is not present in PureScript. What you've written for Cons
is a data constructor with a single universally-quantified argument.
You might like to try using purescript-exists
to encode the existential type instead.
Another option is to use a final-tagless encoding of the GADT:
class Listy l where
nil :: forall a. l Z a
cons :: forall a n. a -> l n a -> l (S n) a
You can write terms for any valid Listy
myList :: forall l. (Listy l) => l (S (S Z)) Int
myList = cons 1 (cons 2 nil)
and interpret them by writing instances
newtype Length n a = Length Int
instance lengthListy :: Listy Length where
nil = Length 0
cons _ (Length n) = Length (n + 1)
newtype AsList n a = AsList (List a)
instance asListListy :: Listy AsList where
nil = AsList Nil
cons x (AsList xs) = AsList (Cons x xs)