I'm working on a problem related to nested groups. I need to determine all the groups a group is a member of and all the groups that are it's members. Not just immediate parents and children but everyone in the hierarchy up and down.
What I have done so far is the traversing logic from top-bottom ie, DFS using a stack to store the not visited notes and a hashset to store the visited notes. This is so that if there are any cycles in the resulting graph we wont go into infinite recursion.
static HashSet<string> visited = new HashSet<string>();
static Stack<string> notVisited = new Stack<string>();
static Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> groupMembers = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>
{ "G4", new HashSet<string> { "G5","G6","U1","U2"} },
{ "G1", new HashSet<string> { "G2","G3","G6"} },
{ "G3", new HashSet<string> { "G4"} },
{ "G2", new HashSet<string> { "G4","G1"} },
{ "G5", new HashSet<string> { "G2"} },
{ "G6", new HashSet<string> { "U2","G5"} },
static void Init(string start)
while (notVisited.Count > 0)
string next = notVisited.Pop();
HashSet<string> found;
if (visited.Add(next) && groupMembers.TryGetValue(next, out found))
foreach (string member in found)
This part works. What I'm having trouble with is, figuring out how do I store the parents and children for each group during traversal. Remember that a group can have other groups or users as members and we don't want to store duplicate information.
Output should look like a list of groups where a group is as follow
private class MyGroup
public string Identity { get; set; }
public HashSet<string> MemberOf { get; set; }
public HashSet<string> Members { get; set; }
public HashSet<string> Users { get; set; }
Not sure I'm understanding correctly because it seems like you've already solved this with your visited
HashSet. Just make it a local variable in Init
and return that as the result of the operation:
class Program
static Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> groupMembers = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>
{ "G4", new HashSet<string> { "G5","G6","U1","U2"} },
{ "G1", new HashSet<string> { "G2","G3","G6"} },
{ "G3", new HashSet<string> { "G4"} },
{ "G2", new HashSet<string> { "G4","G1"} },
{ "G5", new HashSet<string> { "G2"} },
{ "G6", new HashSet<string> { "U2","G5"} },
static void Main()
foreach(string start in groupMembers.Keys)
HashSet<string> result = Init(start);
Console.WriteLine("Start @ " + start + ": " + String.Join(", ", result.ToArray()));
Console.Write("Press Enter to Quit");
static HashSet<string> Init(string start)
HashSet<string> visited = new HashSet<string>();
Stack<string> notVisited = new Stack<string>();
while (notVisited.Count > 0)
string next = notVisited.Pop();
HashSet<string> children;
if (visited.Add(next) && groupMembers.TryGetValue(next, out children))
foreach (string member in children)
visited.Remove(start); // optionally remove "start" from the result?
return visited;
Start @ G4: U2, U1, G6, G5, G2, G1, G3
Start @ G1: G6, G5, G2, G4, U2, U1, G3
Start @ G3: G4, U2, U1, G6, G5, G2, G1
Start @ G2: G1, G6, G5, U2, G3, G4, U1
Start @ G5: G2, G1, G6, U2, G3, G4, U1
Start @ G6: G5, G2, G1, G3, G4, U2, U1
Press Enter to Quit
----- EDIT -----
Based on the new requirements, I ~think~ this is what you want:
class Program
private class MyGroup
public string Identity { get; set; }
public HashSet<string> MemberOf { get; set; }
public HashSet<string> Members { get; set; }
public HashSet<string> Users { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("Identity: " + Identity);
sb.AppendLine("MemberOf: " + String.Join(", ", MemberOf.ToArray()));
sb.AppendLine("Members: " + String.Join(", ", Members.ToArray()));
sb.AppendLine("Users: " + String.Join(", ", Users.ToArray()));
return sb.ToString();
static Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> groupMembers = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>
{ "G4", new HashSet<string> { "G5","G6","U1","U2"} },
{ "G1", new HashSet<string> { "G2","G3","G6"} },
{ "G3", new HashSet<string> { "G4"} },
{ "G2", new HashSet<string> { "G4","G1"} },
{ "G5", new HashSet<string> { "G2"} },
{ "G6", new HashSet<string> { "U2","G5"} },
static void Main()
Dictionary<string, MyGroup> output = new Dictionary<string, MyGroup>();
// First Pass: Figure out Children and Users
foreach(string start in groupMembers.Keys)
MyGroup group = new MyGroup();
group.Identity = start;
HashSet<string> Users = new HashSet<string>();
group.Members = GetChildrenAndUsers(start, ref Users);
group.Users = Users;
output.Add(start, group);
// Second Pass: Figure out the Parents:
List<string> outer = output.Keys.ToList();
List<string> inner = output.Keys.ToList();
foreach (string outerKey in outer)
MyGroup group = output[outerKey];
group.MemberOf = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (string innerKey in inner)
MyGroup group2 = output[innerKey];
if (group2.Identity != group.Identity)
// Display the results:
foreach(MyGroup group in output.Values)
Console.Write("Press Enter to Quit");
static HashSet<string> GetChildrenAndUsers(string start, ref HashSet<string> Users)
HashSet<string> visited = new HashSet<string>();
Stack<string> notVisited = new Stack<string>();
while (notVisited.Count > 0)
string next = notVisited.Pop();
HashSet<string> children;
if (!groupMembers.ContainsKey(next))
if (visited.Add(next) && groupMembers.TryGetValue(next, out children))
foreach (string member in children)
visited.Remove(start); // optionally remove "start" from the result?
return visited;
Identity: G4
MemberOf: G1, G3, G2, G5, G6
Members: G6, G5, G2, G1, G3
Users: U2, U1
Identity: G1
MemberOf: G4, G3, G2, G5, G6
Members: G6, G5, G2, G4, G3
Users: U2, U1
Identity: G3
MemberOf: G4, G1, G2, G5, G6
Members: G4, G6, G5, G2, G1
Users: U2, U1
Identity: G2
MemberOf: G4, G1, G3, G5, G6
Members: G1, G6, G5, G3, G4
Users: U2, U1
Identity: G5
MemberOf: G4, G1, G3, G2, G6
Members: G2, G1, G6, G3, G4
Users: U2, U1
Identity: G6
MemberOf: G4, G1, G3, G2, G5
Members: G5, G2, G1, G3, G4
Users: U2, U1
Press Enter to Quit