i have a problem in my first Game engine so please help me :(
There is two part in the first one i will explain the problem and in the second one i will explain my questions .
Part I :
i have an array (named "World") of object class
public Object World[] = new Object[500];
the object have many properties (name,x,y,animation,length,width ....)
i want to make condition of collession for example
if( Function_to_detect_collessions("object1_name","object2_name") ){ object2.Animation = "new value" ; }
and with these lines you will understand me :
1- many object can get the same name
2- if more than one collession happened with more than two objects with the same names (object1_name and object2_name) then the modification for the object2.animation will be on all the touched objects
example : if( collesion("ball","ground") ){ ball.movement = stop; } //Now imagine that there is two objects (two Balls) on the ground
Part II :
i think that you understand me what i mean and now i will explain my question. questions :
1- if i can detect all the collessions how to make the modification on all the objects with one line like
object2.prop = "something"
2- is it possible in java to make modification on an object and with some functions make the same modification on more than one object automatically .
I'm Sorry for my bad English but i tried to use all the words in my mind to explain the problem and i wish i did (any answer could help me even with a part of a solution so please help)
You could try to use Java collections like this:
public ArrayList<Object> World= new ArrayList<>();
for (int i =0; i<500; i++)
World.add(new Object(i));
// Update all objects
for (Object myObject : World) myObject.prop = "Something";
As per your subsequent question. If you need to go only over a particular list you can do this:
public ArrayList<Object> MoversAndShakers = new ArrayList<>();
// Update all MoversAndShakers
for (Object myObject : MoversAndShakers) myObject.prop = "Something";
Or even better you could encapsulate that in a function to detect collisions (You may want to look at this question on how to do that Simple and fast collision algorithm in java for non-axis aligned boxes) :
public ArrayList<Object> MoversAndShakers = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Object> getMovingObjects(ArrayList<Object> World)
ArrayList<Object> MoversAndShakers = new ArrayList<>();
for(Object currentObj : World)
if (currentObj.velocity > 0)
return MoversAndShakers;
And then above reduces to this
// Update all moving objects
for (Object myObject : getMovingObjects(World))
myObject.prop = "Something";