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Using a Remote Deskdop Connection to run Python, empty html files

I am trying to run my python files from a Remote Desktop Connection (virtual machine?). I copied over a few folders I thought would be relevant and ran Anaconda to install python and the add-ons.

My code runs, but the output is html files and in the VM they are empty. I checked the code for the html and it looks like it writes information from my local C:\ drive. For example, this is a snippet from the html: BEGIN C:\Users\jbyrusb\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\bokeh\server\static\css/bokeh.min.css

I tried to copy the AppData folder over to the VM. Still, the html files come up empty.

Does anyone know why/ a better way to move my things onto a VM? This is my first time using one.


  • The problem was that Internet Explorer on the VM was very old and therefore not running the html code properly. Updated to Firefox and it worked!