I am trying to run my python files from a Remote Desktop Connection (virtual machine?). I copied over a few folders I thought would be relevant and ran Anaconda to install python and the add-ons.
My code runs, but the output is html files and in the VM they are empty. I checked the code for the html and it looks like it writes information from my local C:\ drive. For example, this is a snippet from the html: BEGIN C:\Users\jbyrusb\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\bokeh\server\static\css/bokeh.min.css
I tried to copy the AppData folder over to the VM. Still, the html files come up empty.
Does anyone know why/ a better way to move my things onto a VM? This is my first time using one.
The problem was that Internet Explorer on the VM was very old and therefore not running the html code properly. Updated to Firefox and it worked!