I was given some pseudo-code written by someone who is no longer around to question. I was told I need to implement it in Python. At this point I am not looking for someone to write the code in Python for me, but I am trying to understand the pseudo-code so that I can write it in Python.
statsOut = open('/shared/succedentsupercedent_stats','w')
supercedents = tuple(open('/path', 'r'))
succedents = tuple(open('ABCD_.raw', 'r'))
for ( cols = 1 to succedents.columns , colg = 1 to supercedents.columns )
/**** load all users for one succedent/supercedent into an array for future stats
xy_array = new array ( supercedents.rows , 2 )
for ( user = 1 to supercedents.rows )
if succedents[user,cols].isValidDouble and supercedents[user,colg].isValidDouble
then do
xy_array [ user , 1 ] = succedents[user,cols].toDouble
xy_array [ user , 2 ] = supercedents[user,colg].toDouble
/*** do some stats with one succedent:supercedent key for all users
sumx = sum( of xy_array[1:supercedents.rows][1]
sumy = sum( of xy_array[1:supercedents.rows][2]
/*** output succedent,supercedent,sumx,sumy
If anyone can help shed some light on interpret what this is doing would be hugely helpful to me.
Here is a guess as to what is required by the pseudo-code. It is not entirely clear what is required, and a look at the actual data being read and a sample of what is to be produced would be very helpful. Without sample input and output, it is difficult to figure out what the code is supposed to accomplish.
def main():
succedents = load_succedents('ABCD_reddob_cases.raw')
supercedents = load_supercedents('/shared/voom_e_plink_cases')
with open('/shared/succedentsupercedent_stats', 'w') as stats_out:
for cols in range(len(succedents[0])):
for colg in range(len(supercedents[0])):
xy_array = [[0] * 2 for _ in range(len(supercedents))]
for user in range(len(supercedents)):
s1, s2 = succedents[user][cols], supercedents[user][colg]
if is_valid_double(s1) and is_valid_double(s2):
xy_array[user] = to_double(s1), to_double(d2)
sumx = sum(row[0] for row in xy_array)
sumy = sum(row[1] for row in xy_array)
append(stats_out, cols, colg, sumx, sumy)
def load_supercedents(path):
with open(path) as file:
# perform whatever you need to do for loading the supercedents
# some sort of data conversion may need to take place here
supercedents = tuple(file)
return supercedents
def load_succedents(path):
with open(path) as file:
# perform whatever you need to do for loading the succedents
# some sort of data conversion may need to take place here
succedents = tuple(file)
return succedents
def is_valid_double(data):
# determine if the data is a valid double or not
return True or False
def to_double(data):
# convert the data into whatever a double happens to be
return data
def append(file, s, g, x, y):
# write the data to your file
print('cols = {s}, colg = {g}, sumx = {x}, sumy = {y}'.format(**locals()),
file=file, flush=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':