I'm designing a system which is receiving data from a number of partners in the form of CSV files. The files may differ in the number and ordering of columns. For the most part, I will want to choose a subset of the columns, maybe reorder them, and hand them off to a parser. I would obviously prefer to be able to transform the incoming data into some canonical format so as to make the parser as simple as possible.
Ideally, I would like to be able to generate a transformation for each incoming data format using some graphical tool and store the transformation as a document in a database or on disk. Upon receival of data, I would apply the correct transformation (never mind how I determine the correct transformation) to get an XML document in a canonical format. If the incoming files had contained XML I would just have created an XSLT document for each format and been on my way.
I've used BizTalk's Flat File XSLT Extensions (or whatever they are called) for something similar in the past, but I don't want the hassle of BizTalk (and I can't afford it either) on this project.
Does anyone know if there are alternative technologies and/or XSLT extensions which would enable me to achieve my goal in an elegant way?
I'm developing my app in C# on .NET 3.5 SP1 (thus would prefer technologies supported by .NET).
XSLT provides new features that make it easier to parse non-XML files.
Andrew Welch posted an XSLT 2.0 example that converts CSV into XML