I have a Relying Party (RP) set up on ADFS, with different claims and when the password is about to expire for a user on AD two more claims appear:
type: http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2012/01/passwordexpirationtime => value: 2015-04-23T18:27:14.596Z
type: http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2012/01/passwordexpirationdays => value: 2
but this two claims don't show on IE, while show on Chrome, Firefox, Safari when the user logs in thru ADFS.
Does anyone has a clue on why on IE those claims doesn't show and in others browsers do?
thanks in advance!
Go to ADFS Management Console and:
with this IE will redirect the login process to ADFS website base on forms authentication (instead of prompting the windows authentication) and will get the expiration claims.