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Codeigniter - Url to style.css and media files are correct but nothing is displayed

I've got a huge problem with my codeigniter. I just moved the codeigniter files to another domain. I've already changed the base_url and the style.css and other media files are implemented with base_url + path_to_the_media_folder. The path is right, but codeigniter doesn't find my media folder where everything is in. On the other domain this worked totally fine.

Maybe this helps solving the problem: The folder in which I have the media and css files is located in the same directory as CIs "application", "media", "system", etc. folders.

How can I solve this problem?

Best regards Paul


  • Update: Problem solved Found out that it was only because I forgot to change the .htaccess (because my new domain had a https connection and the old one not). Thanks anyone for help.