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Loading <audio> source - Firefox gets into readyState 2 and Chrome into 4

I am trying to connect an HTMLAudioElement into the Web Audio API (MediaElementAudioSourceNode). I set src followed by calling load().

Now while in Chromium this gets me from readyState 0 (HAVE_NOTHING) to 4 (HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA), so a follow-up play() succeeds. But in Firefox I only get to state 2 (HAVE_CURRENT_DATA) and nothing else happens.

Am I missing a crucial step?

Edit: Here is my debug information:

| | FF Init | FF Load | Ch Init | Ch Load | |readyState | 0 | 2 | 0 | 4 | |preload | | | auto | auto | |duration | NaN | 186.45 | NaN | 186.44 | |error | null | null | null | null | |networkState | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

At least from this list, the only difference in initial data is the preload value in Chrome.


  • So adding preload = "auto" after creating the media element (to match the default it obviously has in Chromium) makes it work in Firefox, too.