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Implementing A Generic Progress Tracker For Batched Tasks

I am currently working on a project which has a number of background tasks that get executed. Each task created and then sent to a concurrent service which manages the execution process of all tasks. Each task is stored in a database table during the length of its execution.

My dilemma is that each task performs very specific functions, and in general most delegate to a service in another part of the system, the brunt of the work is done, and then the task returns.

Currently I have a very simple system implemented which tracks the progress of task, it works well, however each task that is executed needs to add a lot of extra code to accommodate the functionality on the services it delegates to.

So to as an example my task would have a method:

public void execute() {

And then correspondingly in the service:

public float calculateAverage() {
    float total = 0.0f; 
    for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        total += i;
    return total / 20;

Tracking the progress of this is fairly simple, I just update my task in the database after it has gone past a certain threshold of iterations. However, to generify this is proving to be quite a task, as each task that is executed might delegate to a different service entirely. This means in each service I need to add code specific to the implementation for that service.

I have done a bit of searching and I can't seem to find any good patterns that can help with creating a generic system for tracking the progress of each task. Any pointers or even just places to look or read-up on would be good.


  • If you make your service use your own Iterator rather than let it create the loop.

    class SumService {
        private float calculateSum(Iterable<Integer> i) {
            float total = 0.0f;
            for (Integer x : i) {
                total += x;
            return total;

    You can then create an Iterable that keep track of progress and reports it to the progress tracker.

     * State of progress - returns a double result between 0 and 1.
     * Will be called repeatedly by the progress tracker.
    interface Progress {
        public double getProgress();
     * The progress tracker.
    static class ProgressTracker {
        // All processes are registered.
        static void registerProgressor(Progress p) {
            // Add it to mmy list of people to watch.
     * An Iterable that reports its progress.
    class ProgressingIterable<T> implements Iterable<T>, Progress {
        // The iterable we are hosting.
        final Iterable<T> it;
        // How far we are to go.
        final int steps;
        // Where we're at now.
        volatile int at = 0;
        public ProgressingIterable(Iterable<T> it, int steps) {
   = it;
            this.steps = steps;
        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
            return new Iterator<T>() {
                // Grab an Iterator from the Iterable.
                Iterator<T> i = it.iterator();
                public boolean hasNext() {
                    // Delegate.
                    return i.hasNext();
                public T next() {
                    // Keep track of the steps.
        public double getProgress() {
            // How are we doing?
            return (double) at / (double) steps;
     * A range (from
     * @param begin inclusive
     * @param end exclusive
     * @return list of integers from begin to end
    public static List<Integer> range(final int begin, final int end) {
        return new AbstractList<Integer>() {
            public Integer get(int index) {
                return begin + index;
            public int size() {
                return end - begin;
     * A process.
    class Process {
        ProgressingIterable<Integer> progress = new ProgressingIterable<>(range(0, 20), 20);
        public void execute() {
            // Register the Progress
            // Make the service use my progress object.
    // The service it uses.
    SumService service = new SumService();

    This manages the separation of responsibilities. To the service is just an Iterable while to the progress tracker it will deliver current progress whenever asked.

    I call this the Janus pattern because you have one object that does exactly two things. It allows you to bind two processes together in one object.

    I have chosen the simplest of progress indicators - a double between 0 and 1. I am sure you could do a much better job.