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Is there a way to guess the size of data.frame based on rows, columns and variable types?

I am expecting to generate a lot of data and then catch it R. How can I estimate the size of the data.frame (and thus memory needed) by the number of rows, number of columns and variable types?


If I have 10000 rows and 150 columns out of which 120 are numeric, 20 are strings and 10 are factor level, what is the size of the data frame I can expect? Will the results change depending on the data stored in the columns (as in max(nchar(column)))?

> m <- matrix(1,nrow=1e5,ncol=150)
> m <-
> object.size(m)
120009920 bytes
> a=object.size(m)/(nrow(m)*ncol(m))
> a
8.00066133333333 bytes
> m[,1:150] <- sapply(m[,1:150],as.character)
> b=object.size(m)/(nrow(m)*ncol(m))
> b
4.00098133333333 bytes
> m[,1:150] <- sapply(m[,1:150],as.factor)
> c=object.size(m)/(nrow(m)*ncol(m))
> c
4.00098133333333 bytes
> m <- matrix("ajayajay",nrow=1e5,ncol=150)
> m <-
> object.size(m)
60047120 bytes
> d=object.size(m)/(nrow(m)*ncol(m))
> d
4.00314133333333 bytes


  • You can simulate an object and compute an estimation of the memory that is being used to store it as an R object using object.size:

    m <- matrix(1,nrow=1e5,ncol=150)
    m <-
    m[,1:20] <- sapply(m[,1:20],as.character)
    m[,29:30] <- sapply(m[,29:30],as.factor)
    120017224 bytes
    0.1 Gb