I'm trying to take data that is received from form input and, in PHP, change the way it is ordered for use in a template creation module/app. I need it to be in a multidimensional array for use.
How the array currently looks
$templateData = [
0 => 'h',
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
3 => 3,
4 => 'c-1-3',
5 => 3,
6 => 5,
7 => 'c-2-3',
8 => 3,
9 => 'c-3-3',
10 => 'f',
11 => 2
How the array should look
$templateData = [
0 =>[ //header row
0 => [1,2,3] //column
1 =>[ //content row(s)
0 => [3,5], //column
1 => [3],
2 => [0]
2 => [ //footer row
0 => [2] //column
The 'h' represents the start of the header row of the template and 'c-1-3' represents a the start of a row with 3 columns starting with the first column. The 'f' represents the start of the footer row. I'm just drawing a blank right now and I can't wrap my head around it.
Here is where I'm at right now, but it's still not working as intended:
$elements = $request->input('elements'); //laravel code that grabs array input
$row = 0;
$column = 0;
foreach($elements as $key => $element) {
//if value is a letter
if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]/', $element)) {
//if the 3rd letter in the string is a 1
if(!isset($element[2]) || $element[2] == '1') { $row++; }
//cycle through values after current key
for($i=$key+1; $i < count($elements);$i++){
//until you hit another letter
if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]/', $elements[$i])) { break; }
$temp[$row][$column][] = $elements[$i];
$column = 0;
The $templateData and $elements variables are the same in the the above and below context.
This is the code I ended up with. Finally got it. This works:
//grab input
$elements = $request->input('elements');
//initiate row/column numbers
$row = 0;
$column = 0;
$templateData = array();
//loop through each array value
foreach($elements as $key => $element) {
//if value starts with a letter
if(preg_match('/^[a-z]/', $element)){
//set total columns
if($element != 'h' && $element != 'f')
$totalColumns = substr($element, 4);
} else {
$column = 1;
$totalColumns = 1;
//if h, c-1-*, or f is detected advance the row
if(substr($elements[$key], 0) == 'h' || substr($elements[$key], 2) == 1 || substr($elements[$key], 0) == 'f')
//loop through keys following first recognized letter until you hit another letter
for($i = $key+1; $i < count($elements) && !preg_match('/^[a-z]/',$elements[$i]); $i++)
//add element id to column
$templateData[$row-1][$column-1][] = $elements[$i];
//if first value in column is not set, add a 0 value to column
$templateData[$row-1][$column-1][0] = 0;
//if its the last column in the set, set to 0
if($column == $totalColumns)
$column = 0;