I have an activity for user with a button called choose days when user clicks the button it show a alert dialog for selecting the day of week
now i want when user select multiple days
then previously selected check box will show in check position and remains with uncheck position
Here is a nice library for that, I use it for my project.
Step 1:
Add these lines to your build.gradle file
dependencies {
compile 'com.afollestad:material-dialogs:'
maven { url 'https://dl.bintray.com/drummer-aidan/maven' }
Step 2: In code where you want to show dialog add this:
new MaterialDialog.Builder(this)
.itemsCallbackMultiChoice(null, new MaterialDialog.ListCallbackMultiChoice() {
public boolean onSelection(MaterialDialog dialog, Integer[] which, CharSequence[] text) {
* If you use alwaysCallMultiChoiceCallback(), which is discussed below,
* returning false here won't allow the newly selected check box to actually be selected.
* See the limited multi choice dialog example in the sample project for details.
return true;
items(R.array.items) - that should be an array of string values in your resources.
P.S. Please read the documentation of this library, it very clear and simply)