I'm newbie in python and whoosh so perhaps is because of that i'm having difficults to print all the hits returned after a search.
Here's my code:
from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
query = QueryParser("title", ix.schema).parse("hd")
results = searcher.search(query)
print results[0]
print results
print len(results), 'resultados'
Here's the output:
<Hit {'brand': u'Best Buy', 'title': u'best buy easy snap hd', 'superpadre': u'audio foto video', 'familia': u'videocamaras', 'detalle_short': u'Easy Snap HD es una pequena videocamara con grabacion en alta definicion ideada para poder llevarla a cualquier lugar. Su ligero peso y su visor TFT LCD de 2,7 con'}>
<Top 10 Results for Term('title', u'hd') runtime=0.000622987747192>
18 resultados
To print all results, you should just iterate through the object results
for r in results:
print r
print "title :", r["title"] # print the title of each result.