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Override aui css of Liferay by Boostrap 3 css

I'm using Boostrap 3 to create my website, i have override it css with my own - that part is easy. But when my partner use my design with Liferay 6.2, i realize boostrap css being override by aui.css =((
So how to make Boostrap css override (or have higher priority than aui.css)?
P/S: Have read somewhere about using liferay Hook but also it have a warning "This should not follow because disable important liferay feature" so how i do it safely without the risk of the warning or it the only way?


  • Well after hours search and tests i have find a way to apply bootstrap 3 css to liferay 6.2 (it work well now but if any error happen in the future i will edit this answer later) - in the _diffs/css have file name aui.css, open it and clear all contents inside it (save a back up before do this if you feel worry) and deploy again to see result.