I have strings in the format "1234.567.111". I wish to break it into three int.
I do not see a split function in azure stream analytics. Is it possible to do this any other way.
I have added a request for split function here.., would appreciate if you guys voted for the same..
I wish Stream Analytics had a split function. You may have to use CHARINDEX and SUBSTRING for now: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn835064.aspx
It's a bit of a pain, but the following should work:
SELECT mystring
) as segment1
,CHARINDEX('.',mystring,CHARINDEX('.',mystring)+1) - CHARINDEX('.',mystring) - 1
) as segment2
) as segment3
from myinput
I would request a split function here (and post the link so we can vote): http://feedback.azure.com/forums/270577-azure-stream-analytics