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Logarithmic plot of a cumulative distribution function in matplotlib

I have a file containing logged events. Each entry has a time and latency. I'm interested in plotting the cumulative distribution function of the latencies. I'm most interested in tail latencies so I want the plot to have a logarithmic y-axis. I'm interested in the latencies at the following percentiles: 90th, 99th, 99.9th, 99.99th, and 99.999th. Here is my code so far that generates a regular CDF plot:

# retrieve event times and latencies from the file
times, latencies = read_in_data_from_file('myfile.csv')
# compute the CDF
cdfx = numpy.sort(latencies)
cdfy = numpy.linspace(1 / len(latencies), 1.0, len(latencies))
# plot the CDF
plt.plot(cdfx, cdfy)

Regular CDF Plot

I know what I want the plot to look like, but I've struggled to get it. I want it to look like this (I did not generate this plot):

Logarithmic CDF Plot

Making the x-axis logarithmic is simple. The y-axis is the one giving me problems. Using set_yscale('log') doesn't work because it wants to use powers of 10. I really want the y-axis to have the same ticklabels as this plot.

How can I get my data into a logarithmic plot like this one?


If I set the yscale to 'log', and ylim to [0.1, 1], I get the following plot:

enter image description here

The problem is that a typical log scale plot on a data set ranging from 0 to 1 will focus on values close to zero. Instead, I want to focus on the values close to 1.


  • Essentially you need to apply the following transformation to your Y values: -log10(1-y). This imposes the only limitation that y < 1, so you should be able to have negative values on the transformed plot.

    Here's a modified example from matplotlib documentation that shows how to incorporate custom transformations into "scales":

    import numpy as np
    from numpy import ma
    from matplotlib import scale as mscale
    from matplotlib import transforms as mtransforms
    from matplotlib.ticker import FixedFormatter, FixedLocator
    class CloseToOne(mscale.ScaleBase):
        name = 'close_to_one'
        def __init__(self, axis, **kwargs):
            self.nines = kwargs.get('nines', 5)
        def get_transform(self):
            return self.Transform(self.nines)
        def set_default_locators_and_formatters(self, axis):
                    np.array([1-10**(-k) for k in range(1+self.nines)])))
                    [str(1-10**(-k)) for k in range(1+self.nines)]))
        def limit_range_for_scale(self, vmin, vmax, minpos):
            return vmin, min(1 - 10**(-self.nines), vmax)
        class Transform(mtransforms.Transform):
            input_dims = 1
            output_dims = 1
            is_separable = True
            def __init__(self, nines):
                self.nines = nines
            def transform_non_affine(self, a):
                masked = ma.masked_where(a > 1-10**(-1-self.nines), a)
                if masked.mask.any():
                    return -ma.log10(1-a)
                    return -np.log10(1-a)
            def inverted(self):
                return CloseToOne.InvertedTransform(self.nines)
        class InvertedTransform(mtransforms.Transform):
            input_dims = 1
            output_dims = 1
            is_separable = True
            def __init__(self, nines):
                self.nines = nines
            def transform_non_affine(self, a):
                return 1. - 10**(-a)
            def inverted(self):
                return CloseToOne.Transform(self.nines)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import pylab
        pylab.figure(figsize=(20, 9))
        t = np.arange(-0.5, 1, 0.00001)

    normal and transformed plot

    Note that you can control the number of 9's via a keyword argument:

    pylab.yscale('close_to_one', nines=3)

    plot with 3 nine's