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CMake and CTest's default "test" command skips a specially named test

I'm using CTest with CMake to run some tests. I use the enable_testing() command which provides me with a default command for make test. All of the tests in my subdirectory are accounted for (by doing an add_test command) and make test works great, except one problem.

There is a certain test, which I've named skip_test, that I do NOT want being run when I do make test. I would like to add a custom target so I can run make skip_test and it will run that test.

I can do this by doing add_custom_target(skip_test ...) and providing CTest with the -R flag and telling it to look for files containing "skip_test" in their name. This also seems to work. My problem now is: how can I get the make test command to ignore skip_test?

If I try commenting out enable_testing and adding my own add_custom_target(test ....), I get "No tests found!!!" now for either make test or make skip_test. I also tried making a Custom CTest file and adding set(CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE skip_test). This worked so that now make test ignored "skip_test", but now running make skip_test responds with "no tests found!!!".

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


  • I actually used a different solution. Here is what I did. For the tests that I wanted to exclude, I used the following command when adding them:

    "add_test( ..... CONFIGURATIONS ignore_flag)" where ignore_flag is whatever phrase you want. Then, in my CMakeLists.txt, when I define a custom target add_custom_target( ignore_tests ...) I give it ctest .... -C ignore_flag

    Now, make test WILL skip these tests! make ignore_Tests will run the ignored tests + the un-ignored tests, which I'm okay with.