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priority queue in C++ with custom class and lambda expression

I am learning how to use STL in C++. I am trying to implement a heap using std::priority_queue. Here is my attempt:

using namespace std;

struct data {
    int first;
    int second;

class compare {
    bool operator()(data &a ,data &b)
         if(a.first < b.first) return true;
         else false;

int main()
    priority_queue <data , vector<data>, compare> heap;
    data temp2[] = { {5,19},{2,7},{90,9},{12,6} };

    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

    while(heap.empty() == false)
        cout << << endl;;

When I run this code on visual studio 2012. it crashes while pushing the second element. Error is below:

Program: C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCP110D.dll
File: c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\vc\include\algorithm
Line: 2463
Expression: invalid operator<

but when I run the same code in ideone, it works but the output is wrong. Ideone link

1.Can someone please point out where I am going wrong?

adding one more question in this same question:

2.How to write the lambda expression of this rather using the compare function?


  • You shouldn't ignore warnings issued by the compiler:

    warning C4715: 'compare::operator()' : not all control paths return a value

    That's because else false; doesn't return anything, it just evaluates the expression false and discards the result. It should be else return false;.

    Of course, the simpler alternative would be to just say return a.first < b.first;.

    In reply to your updated question:

    Using a lambda here won't buy you that much, since you need to specify both the type of the functor as a template argument to std::priority_queue, and the functor itself as an argument to the constructor when initializing heap (in the version using compare, the functor was default-constructed; lambdas are not default-constructible).

    But, since you asked, here it is:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <queue>
    #include <vector>
    struct data
       int first;
       int second;
    int main()
       auto cmp = [](const data& a, const data& b) { return a.first < b.first; };
       // For Visual C++ 2013 and beyond:
       // std::vector<data> temp = {{5, 19}, {2, 7}, {90, 9}, {12, 6}};
       // std::priority_queue<data, std::vector<data>, decltype(cmp)> heap{cmp, std::move(temp)};
       // For Visual C++ 2012 (doesn't support list-initialization for non-aggregates):
       data temp[] = {{5, 19}, {2, 7}, {90, 9}, {12, 6}};
       std::priority_queue<data, std::vector<data>, decltype(cmp)> heap(std::begin(temp), std::end(temp), cmp);
          std::cout << << '\n';

    I've made several modifications to your original code; take them as suggestions for improvement, in terms of both correctness (const) and efficiency.